- The college is having a specious Library with reading room facility for the students with a capacity of 18000 Books, 8 monthly Magazines,7 daily News paper.
- The college Library is kept open from 10-00 A.M to 4-00 P.M on all working days of the college.
- The Principal reserves the right to alter the working hours at his discretion.
- The first and last hours of every working day are set apart for office work of the library.
- Notice shall be issued from time to time by the Principal/professor in-charge of the library regarding the hours of issue and return of books to all categories of borrowers.
- A person, even if otherwise qualified for admission into the Library, shall not be admitted into the Library premises if he is not of sound mind or is not clean in person or dress.
- No book should be taken out of the Library without the knowledge of the Librarian and until it has been properly entered in the Loan Register and the entry attested by the borrower.
- Each borrower must examine the condition of the book before leaving the issue counter. In case mutilations are discovered later the borrower will be held responsible which will make him liable to such penalties as may be imposed by the principal.
- No marginal to other note or marking shall be made in the Library books, nor shall any picture, map page be removed or torn or otherwise disfigured.
- Any books lost, damaged or defaced by a borrower must be replaced by him. If the book is of a set or series and the volume cannot be obtained singly, the whole set or series must be replaced by the borrower. If the book is rare or irreplaceable the borrower must pay ten times the cost of the book. (letter no.62415(91)/HE dt.9.01).
- The Librarian will report to the Principal about the person responsible for improper use of Library books.
- Books should be returned within the period allowed to a borrower which is 14days from the date of issue for students, one month from the date of issue for college teaching staff.
- When the date of return of a book falls on an authorised holiday it should be returned to the Library on the day the college reopens after the holiday.
- A borrower against whom any overdue or other charges are outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow from the Library until the Library dues are cleared.
- Whoever might have a Library book in his possession should return it to the Library when ever he received a requisition for the re turn of the book from the Librarian.
- Although ordinarily there will be no restriction on the use of books in the Library, the Principal has the right to stop the issue of certain books to all or some intending borrowers.
- All those who happen to be inside the Library or its neighborhood are expected to observe strict silence. All kinds of talking except what is absolutely necessary for the transaction of Library business are forbidden inside the Library. The Librarian is authorised to see that silence is strictly observed and re port any willful breach of the same.
- Spitting, smoking, sleeping inside the Library and putting one’s legs on the Library furniture are strictly forbidden.
- Cases of incivility inside the Library should at once be reported to the Principal.
- None but members of the teaching staff and the ministerial staff may have direct access to the Library shelves.
- The following is a list showing the maximum number of books to be issued to various classes of borrowers.
- Members of the teaching staff 15 each
- Ministerial & menial staff - 2 each
- The Librarian and P.E.T - 3 each
- Students - B.A. & B.Sc & B.Com (Hons) 3 each
- Students - B.A, B.Sc & B.Com (Pass) 2 each
- Plus two Students 1 each
- A book once issued to a borrower may be re-issued to him or her only when nobody else wants to take that book. The book before reissued should be presented before the Librarian for necessary entries in the register.
- Maps, CHSE calendars, CHSE Questions, University Questions ,current issue of periodicals, Courses of Studies & rare books shall not be issued for use at home without special permission of the Principal.
- Members of the teaching staff, research scholars, the ministerial staff, the Librarian and the P.E.T members of the Governing Body and the College Medical Officer may take books from the Library signing Loan Register. Books issued to the non teaching employees shall be returned by the person concerned within 15 days from the date of issue. Books borrowed within one week of the commencement of the summer vacation shall be returned by the person concerned within one week of the reopening of the college after summer vacation. {Letter No. 62415/HE dt.9.10.2001}. Members of the teaching staff are allowed to borrow text and reference books concerning their own departments.
- In those cases in which the price of the lost books can not be ascertained, the borrowers should pay compensation amount as fixed by the Principal and in those cases where the price of lost books can be ascertained, the borrower must pay ten times the cost on failing to replace the lost book.
- The books issued to various seminars will be kept under the direct supervision of the Head of the Dept. or person nominated by him. The Prof. in charge of seminar will be held responsible for any loss or damage of the book.
- Books once borrowed cannot be ordinarily transferred to another individual without physical verification by the Librarian.
- A person who takes books from the library is supposed to have read the Library rules and is supposed to have agreed to abide by them. Ignorance of the Library Rules will not be an excuse for any breach.
- In case a student does not return the Library books within the time allowed, a fine of Re 1 per book per week or part there will be charged till the return of such book.
- A student must return the library books issued to him/her before the date of form fill up for the Term End examination failing which he/she will not be allowed to fill up his/her form.
- All students sent up for the Term End Examination intending to keep library books during the Term End Examination, may be issued library books if they deposit ten times the price of the books (s).
In such cases the borrowers shall be permitted to keep books with them till the Term End Examination is over and shall return the books within seven days from the last date of the Examination.
Each Honours Teaching Department maintains a seminar library containing both the text and reference books along with the periodicals for the use of the students and members of the staff.
Search resources e-Library
e-Resources for Universities & Colleges of Odisha (https://eresources.oshec.in/)
Study through National Digital Library of India (NDLI) (https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in)
The National Library (https://www.nationallibrary.gov.in/)
National Library & Information Services (https://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/)
National Council of Educational Research and Training (https://epathshala.nic.in/)
The National Library Online Catalogue (http://opac.nationallibrary.gov.in/)
The World’s Largest Library Catalog (https://www.worldcat.org/)
E-Shodhsindhu (https://ess.inflibnet.ac.in/)
E-Shodhganga (http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in)
e-Granthalaya (http://oslibrary.nic.in/)
Odisha State Archive (https://www.odishaarchives.nic.in/)
E-Library in Odisha State Archives to ensure easy access to books, old records
Open Access e–Resources, Central Library, IIT Bhubaneswar (http://library.iitbbs.ac.in)
Digital Libraries in India (http://digitaltecho.weebly.com)
Major Digital libraries in India –Institute of science, Nagpur. (https://www.iscnagpur.ac.in/)
Digital Library- c-DAC (https://www.cdac.in/)
World Digital Library (https://www.loc.gov/)
Wiley Online Library (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/)
Welcome to Open Library | Open Library (https://openlibrary.org/)
Online Library British council (https://www.britishcouncil.in/)
Online Library and Publication Platform (https://www.oapen.org/)
best eBook Converter, free online libraries in India (https://www.epubor.com/)