College Rules
- Undertaking : Before a student is admitted to the college he/she or his/her guardian, if he/she is not a major, has to sign an undertaking in proper form to abide by the rules of the college.
- Address : Each student must register in the college office the address where he or she lives. He or she must also inform the office at once in case of any subsequent change of address.
- Bicycle Shed : Students are advised to keep their bicycles under double lock in the cycle shed and not in the College Verandah.
- Leave : Students, who wish to obtain leave of absence from the college, must apply for it before they actually absent themselves. In special cases such as illness, where it is not possible to obtain leave in advance, an application for grant of leave should be sent by post or submitted immediately upon return to college if the period of absence is short.
- Private, Club, Society / Team : Students of the college are forbidden to belong to any outside club or society without the prior permission of the Principal. Such permission is to be sought in writing. The request for such permission is to be duly signed by the student’s father or natural guardian. To play for a team other than the college team, without written permission of the Principal is also forbidden.
- Permission to Accompany the College Team : When a match is to be played away from Arei, members of the team and students who wish to accompany the team, must obtain prior leave of absence from the Principal.
Discipline :
- The students are advised to bring with them their identity cards to the college. It is essential to distinguish them from outsiders who are liable to be asked to vacate.
- Spitting on the walls, floor, pillars or doors of the college, disfiguring the walls and creating noise on the college and hostel premises are strictly prohibited.
- Students are forbidden to loiter in the corridors. When they have no classes to attend, they may go to the college common room or to Hostel Common Room if boarders.
Students are warned against tampering with the electric fittings of the college. Severe punishment will be inflicted on a student who indulges in such act.
- Misbehavior of college students in football or volleyball or other matches will be seriously viewed.
- Students are advised not to take active part in party politics.
- No club or society should be started or maintained in the college without the approval of the Principal.
- Continued absence without leave for one or more days on the part of students is a serious breach of college discipline. In such cases on or before the third day of such absence the name of the absentee will be struck off from the college rolls. However, the Principal may at his discretion excuse a student.
- Breach of discipline : For any breach of discipline, student or students concerned shall be reprimanded and punished even to the extent of expulsion and rustication on the recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee duly constituted by the Principal.
- Medical Examination : Every student must submit himself to the annual Medical Examination. A student of the college must abide by such principles of hygiene and submit himself to such anti epidemic measures as shall be introduced by the Principal from time to time.
- Identity Cards : Identity card is issued to each student at the beginning of academic session. The card contains the photo, and other particulars of the student. Students shall be in possession of the Identity Cards issued by the college. They have to produce the same on demand by authorities. Ordinarily no duplicate Identity Cards will be issued. However, in extreme cases a duplicate identity card may be issued after proper investigation and on payment of Rs.15/-. The Identity Cards be surrendered to the college at the time of taking T.C. / C.L.C.
- Issue of C.L.C. and Certificate :
- C.L.C. , T.C. and Mark Sheet shall be issued to students three days after the submission of application accompanied by a clearance certificate.
- University certificate shall be issued on every Saturday only if it is a working day.
- Notices :
- Every student should see the notice board kept at different points in the college to obtain necessary information.
- No student should remove any notice from the notice board.
- Students' Enquiry & Information : There is a student enquiry and information bureau to provide information to the students and public on matters of students’ interest.
- Caution Money : Caution money (if refundable) shall be refunded to the students only once a year, before the Puja Holidays.
- Attendance : A student is required to attend 75% of lectures, tutorials and practical classes in each subject separately. However, in extreme cases condonation may be granted only to the extent of 15% with submission of due certificates. Candidates who the college for specified purpose shall have to obtain 5% extra condonation from Council / University.
- Practicals : As soon as the practical groups are formed a student must find out the group in which he/she has been placed. In case of non placement he/she should have to bring it to the notice of the Prof. in charge of time table.
- Work experience : As per the programme of the college a student is required to attend work experience programmes organised by the college.
- Use of Cell Phones : Use of Cell Phones are strictly prohibited within the college campus. However, Cell Phones users if detected within the campus may be penalised a fine up to Rs. 500/-
- Payment of fees and fines : Fees must be paid on the days fixed for collection failing which a fine of 50 paise will be imposed. Failure to pay the fine by the last working day of the month will lead to removal of the defaulter’s name from the college rolls. All fees and dues are to be collected from the students before they are allowed to fill up University or Council examination forms. No promotion to next higher class will be made if students have not cleared their college dues Students should stand in queue while paying fees at office counter.
- Code of conduct for students :
- Good behavior to staff of the college and students.
- Participation in the programmes of the College.
- To maintain peace and foster study atmosphere.
- Co-operation in the administration of the College
- Maintenance of decorum in class room and in the campus.
- Peaceful participation in games, N.S.S., Youth Red Cross and other College organisations.
- To wear proper uniform prescribed by the College.