Regulation - CBCSDownload
Regulations for +2 & Degree Examinations
The college shall conduct the following Examinations for promotion to the next higher class or for sending up for the University / Council Examinations.
- For +2, 1st. yr class : Unit Tests,1st. Half Yearly Exam and Annual College Examination.
- For +2, 2nd. yr. class : Unit Tests, 1st Terminal,Test Examination and Annual CHSE Examination
- For +3, 1st. yr. class : Unit Tests, 1st Terminal,Test Examination and Annual University Examination
- For +3, 2nd. yr. class : Unit Tests , 1st Terminal,Test Examination and Annual University Examination
- For +3, 3rd yr class : Unit Tests , 1st Terminal,Test Examination and Annual University Examination
- Tentative dates for the conduct for such examinations will be notified and detailed programme of such examinations will be notified at least 15 days prior to the commencement of the Examination.
- Marks secured in these examinations will be considered at the time of promoting students to the next higher class and sending up for the University / +2 Examinations.
- Every student is required to appear at all these Examinations in order to earn his progress certificate. A student who absents himself from any of these examinations has to give explanation to the Principal and if the Principal is not convinced student may be fined.
- i. If a student is found resorting to malpractice during any examination, he will be fined and awarded zero in that particular examination and the punishment notice will be read out in all classes and also sent to his/ her parents or guardians.
- ii. The same procedure of punishment shall also apply to the students who misbehave and cause disturbance during examination (Vide circular No. 1504, Dt. 11. 07. 77 of the D.P.I. H.E., Orissa).
- iii. Students found resorting to unfair means for the second time in the examinations shall be severely dealt with and run the risk of being detained or being expelled form the college.
- Exemption from the examination does not necessarily mean promotion.
- Application for exemption from college examinations will not ordinarily be considered. In exceptional cases applications for such exemption may be made by parents /guardians within three days after the completion of the examination and duly supported by medical certificate in case of illness of the students and must be endorsed by the concerned proctor and lecturer in charge of college examination.
- For promotion of students to the next higher class and for sending up students to the University/ +2examination principles to be lain down by the Principal and recommendations of the staff council are to be sought for.
The Higher Secondary Council conducts annually two examinations, the annual and the instant examinations for +2 and the University conducts only one examination for +3 students in each class.